The Officers of The College Music Society


In summary, the President (1) assumes executive authority of the Society; (2) presides at meetings of the Society, the Board of Directors, the Council of Past Presidents, and the Executive Committee; (3) appoints all committees with the concurrence of the Board of Directors; (4) is ex officio a voting member of all committees except the Nominations Committee; (5) appoints new ad hoc committees with the concurrence of the Board of Directors; (6) may seek advice from all committees; (7) appoints editors in consultation with the General Editors; (8) serves as a signatory of the accounts of the Society; (9) receives support from the Executive Director and Executive Office staff; (10) discharges other such functions as are customarily associated with the office. 

The authority of the President is granted in Article IV, Section 3 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

Executive authority of the Society shall be vested in the President. The President shall preside at meetings of the Society, the Council of Past Presidents, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. She/He shall appoint all committees with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, and shall be ex officio a voting member of all committees except the Nominations Committee. The President shall serve as a signatory of the accounts of the Society. The President shall discharge other such functions as are customarily associated with the office.

In addition to the general authorities noted above, the Bylaws provide for other expectations of and support for the President as follows:

Bylaws, Article VI - There shall be the following Councils of the Society, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Board of Directors:

Council of Past Presidents.  

Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters, chaired by the Vice-President. Advice generated from the annual meetings of the Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters shall be conveyed by the Vice-President to the President and the Board of Directors. 

Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 1- Members of committees shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors. Committees may be established, appointed, or dissolved either by the Board of Directors or by the President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

Bylaws, Article V, Section 2 - The Executive Director shall perform other duties for the Society as requested by the President.


Immediate Past President

In summary, the Immediate Past President (1) serves a one-year term; (2) serves as a member of the Executive Committee; (3) serves as advisor to the President; (4) discharges any functions which may be appropriate to the office. 

The authority of the Immediate Past President is defined in Article IV, Section 1 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

The Past President shall serve in this capacity automatically at the end of her/his term(s) of office as President. She/He shall serve as advisor to the President and discharge any functions which may be appropriate to the office. She/He shall serve a one-year term. Upon completion of her/his term of office, she/he shall automatically become a permanent member of the Council of Past Presidents.



In summary, the President-Elect (1) serves as a member of the Executive Committee; (2) assists the President as requested; (3) becomes familiar with the office of the President and assumes the office at the end of the term. 

The authority of the President-Elect is defined in Article IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of the President at the end of her/his one-year term. She/He shall assist the President as requested and shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

The year of office as President-Elect is intended to serve as an opportunity to learn the responsibilities of the presidency.



In summary, the Vice-President (1) discharges the functions of the President in case of the latter's disability or absence or at the latter's request; (2) serves in various capacities which may be appropriate to the office and the Society; (3) coordinates membership development; and (4) coordinates liaison with the Regional Chapters and serves as chair of the Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters.  

The authority of the Vice-President is defined in Article IV, Section 4 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

 The Vice-President shall discharge the functions of the President in case of the latter's disability or absence or at the latter's request, and serve in various capacities which may be appropriate to the office and the Society.  The Vice-President shall also have responsibility for membership and chapter development and coordination and shall serve as chair of the Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters.

 In addition to the general authorities and descriptions noted above, Article VI of the Bylaws provide for following expectation of the Vice-President:

 There shall be the following Councils of the Society, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Board of Directors:

 ... (2) Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters, chaired by the Vice-President. Advice generated from the annual meetings of the Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters shall be conveyed by the Vice-President to the President and the Board of Directors.

To assist with the operations of the Regional Chapters, the Vice President encourages the Regional Chapters to (1) have conference dates and locations set up 2-3 years in advance; (2) provide regularly conference and other information to the Executive Office; (3) issue timely Calls for Program Participation; (4) develop participation in the discussion of the annual Common Topic; (5) utilize guest speakers; (6) explore creative ideas for developing interest in the Chapter and attendance at conferences; and (7) be mindful of report deadline dates. 



In summary, the Secretary (1) provides documentation for meetings of the Society through provision of Minutes; (2) oversees elections of national officers. 

The authority of the Secretary is defined in Article IV, Section 5 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

The Secretary shall be responsible for the documentation of the proceedings of the meetings of the Society.  The Secretary shall take minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Council of Presidents of Regional Chapters, and of the annual meeting of the membership.



In summary, the Treasurer has responsibility for: (1) the funds of the Society; (2) financial reporting at the annual meeting of the membership of the Society; (3) financial reporting to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors; (4) financial planning, including preparation of the annual budget; (5) arranging for the yearly compilation by an outside agency in consultation with the Executive Director; and (6) serving as Chair of the Finance Committee.

The authority of the Treasurer is defined in Article IV, Section 6 of the Bylaws of The College Music Society:

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Society. She/He shall be bonded in an amount determined by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall present a report at the annual meeting of the membership of the Society and shall make other reports as the Executive Committee may direct. The Treasurer shall prepare the proposed annual budget and arrange for the yearly audit by an outside agency in consultation with the Executive Director. The Treasurer shall be a signatory of the accounts of the Society and shall serve as the chair of the Finance Committee.

It is important to remember that some of the above is generic language and not intended to bind the Treasurer unduly. For example, rather than collect monies, the Treasurer assigns the task to the Executive Office; rather than take custody of the funds of the Society, the Treasurer assigns the task to a bank.