The CMS Press

Mission of The CMS Press

The mission of The CMS Press is to provide books and monographs that address relevant issues and interests of professional musicians, especially those working in the field of music and higher education. The CMS Press supports four core elements of the mission of The College Music Society: research and dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinary interaction, music teaching and learning, and musical creativity and expression.


General Description

The CMS Press continues The College Music Society’s long tradition of service in print format. The CMS Press will continue to raise the quality, profile, and visibility of the Society’s scholarly publications.


Existing Series

The scholarly pursuits of the Society's members have been well served by three existing book series:

Cultural Expressions in Music – book-length studies reflecting the diversity of perspectives, cultures, experiences, philosophies

Monographs and Bibliographies in American Music – books and bibliographic resources on music in and of the Americas

Sourcebooks in American Music – books addressing landmark or representative compositions and performances that reflect the compelling spectrum of musical expression in the United States


New Series

The College Music Society will inaugurate two new series:

Pedagogies & Innovation in Music - short books/manuals from a variety of music disciplines engaged in pedagogical discovery and innovative approaches to learning, creativity, performance, and scholarship.

Emerging Fields in Music - short books/manuals capturing current research or perspectives on community engagement, outreach, music industry, advocacy, academic citizenship, music entrepreneurship, or other pressing issues for musicians in higher education.

In keeping with the practices and procedures of The CMS Press, each series will require the appointment of its own Series Editor and Editorial Board.


Future Publication Formats

The CMS Press seeks to develop publications in innovative and flexible formats that make best use of current technologies and changing needs. In the future, the Press hopes to capitalize on the potential of digital publication as a complement to traditional print, a shift in publication format responsive to consumer demand and library acquisition and collection building. The CMS website is available for dynamic audio, video, and other multi-media documents to accompany the monographs.


The CMS Press Online

The CMS Press will cultivate appropriate Internet and social media presence in support of its series and the work of their authors. Information concerning The CMS Press, its series, and books available within its series will be available on the website of The College Music Society. Supporting materials released as components of individual books will be available through the website The CMS Press will issue information via social media channels when new books are released.


General Editor

Current General Editor: Todd Sullivan (Northern Arizona University)

Responsibilities of the General Editor – It shall be the responsibility of the General Editor to oversee the development and operations of The CMS Press and support the Editors of the  series.  The General Editor shall (1) chair meetings of the Board of Editors; (2) coordinate searches for new editors; (3) provide oversight concerning the continuing operations The CMS Press; (4) provide an annual report to the Board of Directors concerning the development The CMS Press; (5) serve in an advisory capacity to the President, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors.

Appointment of the General Editor – Following a search conducted by the Board of Directors, the General Editor of The CMS Press will be selected and appointed by the Board of Directors. The Editor is usually appointed for a three-year term.

Board of Editors

Purpose – The Board of Editors (1) provides oversight concerning the operations, editorial procedures, and books in series of The CMS Press.  The Board advises as requested, and reports annually to the Board of Directors concerning the development and timely issue of books.

Membership – The Board of Editors includes the General Editor who serves as Chair, the Editors of the series, and other appointed resource persons that may be needed from time to time to provide required expertise.

Meetings – The Board of Editors meets as required to (1) receive reports of activities from Editors; (2) discuss operational matters unique or common to all series; (3) adopt plans for the series; (4) share ideas concerning how the series can be improved; (5) share ideas concerning how the series can better support the mission of The College Music Society; and (6) consider any new business brought before it (e.g., advisory matters, new series, policy issues).


Series Editors

Selection and Appointment Process for Editors of the Series – After consultation with the Board of Editors, the Board of Directors, and other members of The College Music Society, the General Editor will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for Editors of the series.  The Editors are usually appointed for three-year terms.  Normally, the following process is used when a vacancy occurs: (1) a call for nominations, including self-nominations, is issued; (2) nominations are received by the General Editor by a specified deadline; (3) nominations are reviewed by the Board of Editors; (4) a name is forwarded to the President of the Society for consideration by the Board of Directors and appointment.

Responsibilities of the Editors – It is the responsibility of the Editor to oversee development and operations of the series for which they have been appointed, and to provide an annual report of activities to the General Editor.

Management of Operations

The CMS Press is managed by the Executive Office of The College Music Society. Books are made available to members of the Society and the general public.


Cultural Expressions in Music

Purpose and Content – Cultural Expressions in Music (CEM) includes works that consider the diversity of perspectives, cultures, experiences, philosophies, and contributions of the music field. These monographs reflect broader contexts of music and respond to inclusive trends and issues in higher education as well as global cultural dynamics.  The series encourages broad subject matter such as innovative pedagogy, new models of governance, and shifting curricular paradigms and directions.

Frequency of Publication – The schedule of publications for the CEM series is dictated by the quality and relevance of contributions. Normally, one or two volumes per year will be expected.

The Editor – The Editor of the CEM series will be appointed for a three-year term by the President. The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board, will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series.

Editorial Board – An Editorial Board will consist of members appointed by the General Editor in consultation with the Board of Directors and the Editor of the CEM series. 

Editorial Procedures – The Editor will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Editor may appoint ad hoc reviewers as the occasion demands. Operational details for projects in the CEM series will be developed by the Editor in consultation with the Executive Office.


Monographs and Bibliographies in American Music

Purpose and Content – To further the study and understanding of American music and music in the Americas, the Society publishes an ongoing series of bibliographic sourceworks entitled Monographs and Bibliographies in American Music (MBAM). The purpose of the series will be to contribute to a comprehensive bibliography for the study of American music. The subjects to be included in the series will be significant composers, musicians, styles, trends, and principal occasions. The series includes comprehensive and rigorous studies of significant and enduring interest to the college music community.

Frequency of Publication – The schedule of publications for the MBAM series is dictated by the quality and relevance of contributions. Normally, one or two volumes per year will be expected.

The Editor – The Editor of the MBAM series will be appointed for a three-year term by the President. The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board, will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series.

Editorial Board – An Editorial Board will consist of members appointed by the General Editor in consultation with the Board of Directors and the Editor of  the MBAM series. The Society encourages representation of CMS members from the Society for American Music and the Society for Ethnomusicology on the Editorial Board.

Editorial Procedures – The Editor will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Editor may appoint ad hoc reviewers as the occasion demands. Operational details for projects in the MBAM series will be developed by the Editor in consultation with the Executive Office.


Sourcebooks in American Music

Purpose and Content – To further the study and understanding of American music and music in the Americas, the Society publishes an ongoing series of books entitled Sourcebooks in American Music (SAM). The series provides consideration of landmark or representative compositions and performances that reflect the compelling spectrum of musical expression in the United States. The texts present summaries of published scholarship as well as fresh and original assessments by authors; many are accompanied by a companion compact disc.

Frequency of Publication – The schedule of publications for the SAM series is dictated by the quality and relevance of contributions. Normally, one or two volumes per year are expected.

The Editor – The Editor of the SAM series will be appointed for a three-year term by the President. The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board, will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series.

Editorial Board – An Editorial Board will consist of members appointed by the General Editor in consultation with the Board of Directors and the Editor of  the SAM series. The Society encourages representation of CMS members from the Society for American Music and the Society for Ethnomusicology on the Editorial Board.

Editorial Procedures – The Editor will actively solicit high-quality contributions to the series. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Editor may appoint ad hoc reviewers as the occasion demands. Operational details for projects in the SAM series will be developed by the Editor in consultation with the Executive Office.